24th February 2021 docker, docker-compose, docker-swarm, macos, mongodb.
Mongo mac os docker how to#
Or even 8042, 8142, 8242.Īs I said, I won’t go with this solution, but just too curios. docker run - d - p 27017:27017 - v volume1:/ data / db - name mongo mongo:3.0.15. How to run mongodb with docker on MAC OS X. I've tried the following changes of the docker-compose file: volumes:. When I run docker stack deploy mongodb1 -c docker-compose.yaml MongoDB is started correctly but there is nothing into the database. I'm having some difficulty configuring PHP to integrate with MongoDB on my Mac.I can confirm that PHP is running correctly, and the php.ini file I am tinkering with is the correct one (I can. However, I wonder why solution from this guy works when it uses ports 9042, 9142, 9242, but does’t work when I set 27030, 27031, 27032, for example. /mongodbdata I have already some database files (wired tiger filesystem). In this video, I will walk you with installation of MAC and will introduce the problem that you will face while installing mongo on MAC as well as linux. Anyway, I’ll go with your solution because I like it more. Welcome to the mongoDB installation in MAC. Now I want to add replica members and I’ll execute the next: rs.initiate(Īnd finally add the hostnames to the hosts file “hash” : BinData(0,“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=”), “errmsg” : “no replset config has been received”,
Mongo mac os docker mac osx#
If I execte rs.stats() it will get me the following: mongo: command not found on Mac OSX even though it's in the PATH - 8 years ago trying to use mongodb on my Mac for a nodeJS app.
increasing the amount of ram is straight forward enough in virtual box, but i think i messed something up when trying. i was running out of disk space before for docker (not on the host - there's 1.8TB available to the host). i'm curious what the process is to allocate more storage to docker-machine.
Mongo mac os docker manual#
I’ll create volumes in production instead biding, but not important right now.Īfter I execute docker container ls I can see the following: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMESĤde461506c94 mongo:4.4.2 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 18 seconds ago Up 16 seconds>27017/tcp mongo-2Ģf6ff3f6cbef mongo:4.4.2 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 18 seconds ago Up 16 seconds>27017/tcp mongo-3Ĩa467ad33809 mongo:4.4.2 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 18 seconds ago Up 16 seconds>27017/tcp mongo-1 sergeycherepanov i had done this in a more manual way previously - this is great, thank you. This is how my docker-compose.yml looks like: version: '3.7'Ĭommand: /usr/bin/mongod -bind_ip_all -replSet rs0 -journal -dbpath /data/db -enableMajorityReadConcern false